Reduction time: thousands of people demonstrated in London a few days before Brexit


The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan stood in front of one of the protesters' columns. "No matter how you voted, you will certainly agree: Brexit is a complete and absolute mess," said the leader, who belongs to the Labor Party.

"The British people did not vote for a bad Brexit deal. He did not vote for a Brexit without treatment. It's time to give us the last word. "Meanwhile, Premier Theresa May is working against the clock for Parliament to approve a new agreement with the regional bloc.

Under the mottoLeave it in the hands of the people", the protesters gathered this morning in Park Lane Central Street to begin a two-hour tour that ended around 5 pm at Parliament Square (the 13 in Argentina).

Brexit Manifestation

The blue-painted faces and flags of the European Union clearly show the feeling of "staying" protesters, but May has also been criticized for her inability to get parliament to approve the first agreement with the regional bloc.

In addition to the British, European citizens residing in the city, such as Italians, French, Italians and Spaniards, wore their respective flags. The petition on Parliament's website asking the UK to remain in the regional bloc already has 4 million signatures.

The next Tuesday, the third vote of the agreement concluded in May with Brussels is planned, a document in which stands the pen of Europe, which has already been rejected twice by the House of Representatives and which, by not introducing changes, may reject it again.

This week, the European Council, made up of heads of state and government of EU member states, has postponed the date of the start of the exit process, initially scheduled for next Friday.

The EC gave until May 22 – instead of June 30, which calls for a conservative policy – to activate the exit, but only if the agreement in the House of Commons is approved Tuesday.

As expected by badysts and British politicians, the postponement would be postponed until April 12, the deadline for the submission of candidatures to the parliamentary elections at the end of May in the European Parliament.

The referendum on Brexit was convened by May's predecessor, David Cameron, after winning the election stating that he would hold a referendum in this regard. However, by winning the exit option, Cameron resigned and was elected in May to be at the forefront of negotiations with Brussels.


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