Why is tapir, the largest indigenous mammal in South America, a serious risk of extinction?


Hunting and loss of ecosystems removed them from their former habitat, which extended from Guatemala to Chile, pbading through southern Brazil and northern Argentina.. According to recent studies in our country, its distribution area would have been reduced by 50%.

The earliest tapirs on Earth date from 55 million years ago, making it one of the most primitive mammals. Today, tapirs populations in Argentina are already clbadified as "endangered" products, of course, the destruction of their natural environment and hunting.

Some studies indicate that its range has been reduced by 50% over the last 130 years, which is why its population has been limited to north of Salta, Formosa, Misiones, Chaco and a small area north of Corrientes.

The loss of ecosystems has been eliminated from their former extensive habitat, which extended from Guatemala to Chile, pbading through southern Brazil and northern Argentina.

They usually weigh up to 300 pounds and have a very compact body. Their resounding head and neck make it easy for them to cross the dense tropical foliage. The feet have four fingers on the forelegs and three on the back. The fur is usually very short and dark.

His elongated muzzle in a small trunk is consistent with his vegetarian diet, consisting of leaves, herbs and fruits. Although they have predators, like the jaguar, this animal is not his main threat, but the man, who came to Earth long after the tapir, but who became the ditcher of one of the mammals the time it takes on the planet.

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