The super technology of Adolf Hitler terrorizing the allies – 25/03/2019


They say that "25 planes fell for a Nazi". The supremacy in the skies of Germany's Adolf Hilter in the Second World War It was the terror of the allies. In fact, according to an article in the Spanish newspaper ABC, the Nazi war machine was a technological power and It was in the air where he stood out the most.

According to the article entitled "The forgotten super-technology of Hitler terrorizing the allies"Adolf Hitler has managed to advance German aviation nearly half a century in advance by laying the foundations for modern aerospace technology.

As an example of this progress, there is the manufacture of the first jet aircraft and giant bombers that can travel thousands of kilometers without refueling.

Adolf Hitler reading a book in full flight. / ARCHIVE

Adolf Hitler reading a book in full flight. / ARCHIVE

"The power and destruction techniques used were so advanced that Hitler still hoped to give at the last moment a surprise shot for the allies", says the writer Jose Lesta in his book El enigma Nazi, quoted by ABC.

I kept reading

The Nazis killed 25% of the total victims of the Holocaust in three months. "Data-big =" "data-small ="

Number that horrifies


Apparently, Hitler's motivation and obsession were to bomb the United States. But such a campaign was impossible. At that time, no aircraft had enough autonomy to fly from Germany to North America. And that was precisely the reason for building one that could.

"The most futuristic project ahead of its time, with which the Nazis wanted to bomb the United States, was that of the suborbital Bombardier Sänger-Bredt. By far the most secret invention." daring German aeronautics, "says Lesta in your book.

The book of José Lesta and the "mysteries" Nazis.

The book of José Lesta and the "mysteries" Nazis.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"It was a ship that had to reach a space altitude at the fantastic speed of" match 20 ", twenty times the speed of sound," Lesta said.

In short, the Germans wanted one of their rockets to be equipped with an explosive. Elevate it to the atmosphere and then throw your load on Washington.

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"Finally, after dropping his deadly bomb, he would return in the same way to his base, landing at 500 km / h and deploy a rear parachute it would make the maneuver easier, after crossing half of the planet. In addition, one of the innovative features of this ship was that it could be reused a few hours after landing, "said Lesta.In total, this whole mission would doubt about 27 hours.

However, according to Lesta, the arrival of the end of the race prevented the finalization of the project. The plan also bet on more traditional and less experimental models.

In total, the person responsible for the construction of the evil ship was the Austrian aerospace engineer. Eugen Sänger

This is Sänger who proposed the flight powered by rockets. That was his thesis topic at the university, but he was rejected by fanciful. But his imagination reached the Ministry of Reich Aviation and became the basis of the project. Amerika, that is, the construction of a ship capable of bombing the United States.

Sänger's work would be the basis of further developments. According to Lesta, Sänger's investigations were eventually used by NASA itself.

Another of the revolutionary projects of Nazi Germany was the "Messerschmitt Me 262", the first hunt The operational reaction of the world.

The use of this type of aircraft has resulted in a radical change in the understanding of air combat. And, in the 1940s, the main propulsion system was a propellerexplains ABC.

The new jet engine gave more speed to the aircraft, more height and autonomy.

Me 262 was a headache for the allies. "The allies did not believe what they had seen, as they moved slowly with their old propellers, Messerschmitt The Germans swept the sky at 850 km / h, a speed never seen, "says Lesta in his book.

And "for every Messerschmitt overturned, 25 allied planes fell. "


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