Mauricio Macri, Fernando VI: "We had irrational tensions but the affection is immutable"


Tonight, the Spanish kings Felipe VI and Letizia will be entertained in the CCK, in the presence of Mauricio Macri, his wife Juliana Awada and various government officials as well as the local artistic environment.

Before starting the gala dinner, President Macri sent a message to the monarchs: "I hope you will feel the affection of the Argentineans, in this country we love the Spaniards very much."

In another paragraph of his speech, Macri said: "We took this visit as proof not only of affection, but also of support and support for the path we are committed to changing, which aims to resolve the problems we are dragging ".

Mirtha Legrand presents at CCK Gala
Mirtha Legrand presents at CCK Gala Source: THE NACION

"Since I have been president, I have proposed not only to strengthen but to reinforce the unique bond we have with the Spanish people.Unfortunately, the previous government had irrational tensions and conflicts that, fortunately, did not happen. have not harmed this relationship because the affection is unalterable, "condemned Macri in another fragment of its opening.

For his part, King Felipe VI, in his address to those present at the gala, said: "For a Spaniard, it is particularly pleasant to go to a country as hospitable as Argentina, it is not by By chance, it is your country that hosts the greatest number of people, Spanish collegiality, we do not feel foreign to Argentina. "

Then the Spanish monarch said: "I want to say that Spain will continue its efforts to complete the partnerships under an agreement between the European Union and Mercosur and will continue to Fully support Argentina's bid for Oceda ".

Part of the menu that was served at the gala dinner
Part of the menu that was served at the gala dinner

Mirtha Legrand, the widow of Jorge Luis Borges, María Kodama, the president of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Adelmo Gabbi, the president of YPF, Miguel Gutiérrez, are among those present at the gala celebrating the visit of the Spanish kings. holder of Swiss Medical, Claudio Belocopitt, María Cher, president of the group Insud, Hugo Sigman.

The menu of the night consisted of a Patagonian spider entry, accompanied by a crispy potato, an emulsion of watercress, avocado and pomegranate. The main dish that delighted the guests was the lake trout, with sweet potatoes, black pudding, chicory and grapes. For gala attendees who did not eat trout, there was a lamb with the same garnish.

Credit: Fabian Marelli

Credit: Fabian Marelli


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