Viral video: No, the pope does not like to be kissed by the ring


The "kiss the pope" is a traditional act of the Holy See, the Vatican. So much so that there is a usual moment, after Mbad, the day of his hearings and other acts, in which this situation is reiterated. But the pbading of time has put something into disuse, which in Italy is yet a deep-rooted custom: to kiss the ring, although it is a sign of great submission.

After the broadcast of the viral video that shows Pope Francis yesterday after Mbad, the removal of the hand before the gesture of trying to kiss the ring, broadcast by the Catholic Sat, MDZ consulted high Vatican sources around the veracity of the images. And yes, they are real. "The Holy Father prefers a good handshake or hug before kissing the ring," they said.

Obviously, those people who greeted him did not know it. Or they have not been warned of this attitude of the Catholic pontiff. Watch the video:

Although in Italy the gesture is still habitual, Pope Francis does not like to be kissed by the ring. "He prefers a good handshake or a hug," they tell me in his office, questioned about the veracity of the video of @CatholicSat. An old practice, in disuse.

– Gabriel Conte (@ConteGabriel) March 26, 2019

What does the old protocol say?

The Pope's ring

The Vatican protocol states that the hand of the so-called bishop of Rome should not be kissed, but the golden ring that occupies one of his fingers, which has on its surface the seal of the Vatican: two keys that represent the way St. Peter can open the doors of heaven. The silver key closes them while the gold key opens them.

However, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not interested in the words of the story.

According to the terms of the protocol of the Holy See, it is written: "The Vicar of Christ may be contacted as long as he is vocative and with the name" His Holiness "(" If His Holiness so desires "), may His Holiness order ", etc.)".

At first, Francisco did not refuse the officially instituted greeting, but he changed. He relegated him to the authorities and to deal with people of high political or ecclesiastical rank:

To the Peruvian President PPK, he withdrew his hand.

Queen Sofia.

The Minister of Culture of the Dominican Republic.

A hierarch of the church.

The video of the frustrated kiss:


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