There was another widespread blackout in Venezuela – 25/03/2019


In Venezuela, there was a power outage on Monday, the second in March. The blackout forced the Caracas authorities to suspend metro services.

Shortly after 1300 hours (local time) in some areas of Caracas, a prolonged electrical failure was detected. Up to now, the authorities have not reported either their causes or their causes.

Venezuelan media reported that there was no light in at least 9 of Venezuela's 23 states.

The figures The economic impact of the last power outage in Venezuela, according to data from the AFP agency

The figures The economic impact of the last power outage in Venezuela, according to data from the AFP agency

Caracas metro lines have suspended their activities due to the power outage, forcing hundreds of people to walk the streets to work or home.

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Less than three weeks ago in Caracas and in most states of the country, there was a blackout that lasted four days. Authorities attributed the power outage to an alleged attack on the Guri Dam in southern Venezuela.

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There, more than 60% of the electricity consumed in the country is generated. A study conducted by the state-run Central University of Venezuela revealed that this failure was the result of a fire near a power plant in the state of Bolívar due to a lack of maintenance.

Source: EFE Agencies, AP


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