She is the Russian porn actress who wants to introduce herself as governor


bad actress, race, candidate, governor, instagram, Elena Berkova, Russia,

Photo: Instagram

The politics and glory, many times, go together. There are many cases in which known characters cross each other and exercise a position or function. There are well-known examples: Arnold Schwarzenegger led California, Ronald Reagan was president of the United States, and comedian Nito Artaza was a senator. In Italy, the adult actress Ilona Staller, known as La Cicciolina, was a legislator.

The bad actress Elena Berkova wants to be a governor candidate from his hometown, Murmansk, a city north of Russia.

The woman used her social networks get closer to your possible the electors, asking them to write to you what their needs are.

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"What are the main problems you face in your community, how are things going in schools, hospitals … child care … I want to know everything about Murmansk, I am with you, "he writes in his official account of the social network Instagram.

In an interview on local radio, the voluptuous model He promised to improve the lives of the people who live in his community.

Although many of his supporters are skeptical, the Russian He had the ambition to become a politician since 2009, while he was trying to run for a position in the Sochi House of Representatives. He even launched a campaign video, but he did not register.

In 2017, she announced that she would seek to run as president of Russia. One of the promises of his campaign was to introduce more bad education in schools and to punish the death penalty.

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But his dreams were broken thanks to a law in this country that establishes that the minimum age to be a candidate the presidency is 35 years old, and that year she was 32 years old.

The young woman had health problems because of the constant diet and the workload. bad world

Berkova is 34 years old, was born in Murmansk, but grew up in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. In addition to being an adult star, she also practiced rhythmic gymnastics, was a singer, conductor and dancer. His triple-X career began in 2003 and lasted until in 2006, detailed the Zavtra's middle. In the bad worldhe was known as Velvet Angel, Penelope, Joya and Elena.


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