Mauricio Macri and the King of Spain Felipe IV will seek to open new businesses with entrepreneurs


After the formal meetings and the gala dinner, the agenda of the Kings of Spain in Buenos Aires will continue Tuesday with meetings with businessmen Argentina and Spain, with which the two delegations will seek opportunities for new bilateral affairs. Spain is one of the main partners of the country and has maintained surplus in the last five years in the trade balance.

The meeting will take place Tuesday morning at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Palace of St. Martin, from 9:00 am. King Felipe VI and Mauricio Macri, and will include the participation of leaders from both countries. The event will also feature the presence of Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie, and his Spanish counterpart, Josep Borrell, as well as other senior officials and local authorities.

The agenda of the Spanish kingship will continue this morning even with a working meeting organized by the Cotec Foundation (dedicated to innovation), at the headquarters of an Iberian phone company. At 13, kings will hold a mbadive meeting at La Rural with the Spanish community. In the evening, Felipe VI will offer a dinner to Argentine authorities in the restaurant of a luxury hotel in Buenos Aires.

The commercial relationship between the two countries currently implies that there is a some 300 Spanish companies operating in Argentina, which give work to some 96,000 people According to private figures cited by the Spanish newspaper The country.

According to Indec data, in 2018, Argentina exported goods to Spain for an amount of US $ 1,390 million, while Spanish products traveled to the country for 1,431 million US dollars. surplus of nearly $ 160 million. In the last five years, bilateral trade has only been positive, with a peak of US $ 727 million in 2016.

The products that Argentina sells most in value to Spain are flour and pellets soy, generally used for the production of balanced feed for US $ 407 million, followed by shrimp and shrimp, for $ 311 million and lemonsfor $ 70 million.

From Spain, the main import of Argentina has been that of parts for the manufacture of engines and generators, for $ 170 million. Secondly, the purchase of books and other printed products, for US $ 90 million and transport vehicles, for US $ 47 million.

Trade between the two countries is characterized, on the Argentine side, by the fact that they are mainly based on products of primary origin. From Argentina, a variety of products have been exported to Spain just over the 320 types of goods. On the contrary, from the Iberian Peninsula more than 3000 different types of articles, according to the archives of the Indec.

According to a report of the Spanish Conference of Business Organizations, Spanish leaders believe that the Argentine economy offers commercial opportunities in "agricultural, agro-industrial, food and chemical machinery", but also in "sectors in which the demand, such as transport and road infrastructure, electrical energy, construction, urban waste and equipment management, renewable energy, oil, biotechnology and tourism ".

In this regard, Felipe VI said Monday that "we are very proud that Spanish companies have made a significant contribution to the development, modernization and modernization of Argentina's economic fabric". The Spanish king stressed "the extraordinary importance" of trade relations between the two countries and stressed that "we come to support Argentina as we have always done in difficult timesWe are very aware of the economic problems we are experiencing and we support all reform programs under way.


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