The Vatican lets go the representative of the female gender in the Church


March 26 Women's World Church, the magazine of Vatican which highlights and badyzes the place of women in the Church, has lost its founder, Lucetta Scaraffia, and his team of 11 employees, in charge of the media of the institution for 7 years. The reason: They felt stifled by the actions of the institution in matters of women.

By letter addressed to Pope Francis I, the magazine workers published once a month in addition to the newspaper, L & # 39; Osservatore, they decided to leave their jobs because "Our editorial line has been bothering them for a long time," has explained Scaraffia to then make sure that the turning point was the attempt to delegitimize by the Holy See

In the document published by the US press agency, Associated press, Scaraffia accused the church of preferring women elected by the administration of men and women "considered reliable", that is, women who do not raise their voice loud enough.

For more than 7 years, the print edition has been the feminine part of a male institution in which, in history, women's rights are not represented in the same way as those of men, where the walls of the feminine or female gender are represented. for the homobadual community, they were still controversial.

As published by the agency, the decision was taken at the beginning of the year, after the appointment of the Andrea Monda, as the new editor of the newspaper L & # 39; Osservatore. The same, apparently, is not a man of trust in the eyes of Scaraffia who accuses him of wanting to return to limit freedom of expression of the feminine gender: "contrary to what Pope Francis seeks "explained the feminist leader.

Although Monda has denied any form of interference and delegitimization, she advocates a truly free dialogue.

Scaraffia, in addition to being a journalist and professor of history, was considered by the Catholic community as the driving force behind the publication of major issues, including that recently publicly recognized by the government. Pope Francis: abuse of nuns by priests.

When this article was published in early February 2019, Scaraffia said in an interview: "Finally, many women will have the courage to speak on this subject and denounce their aggressors".

The article, which reported an uncomfortable and implausible reality for the rules of the institution, fell like a bombshell for the Church because it occurred amid denunciations of badual abuse of children by children. Bishops and priests In the whole world. Among them, Cardinal Pell in Australia and the investigation conducted in August 2018 which denounced the abuses committed in 6 Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania (United States), where more than 300 priests were blamed and nearly 1000 children were victims.

Although at the historic summit on church abuse organized by Pope Francis in February 2019, many women members of the institution are badigned roles rather than participatory roles, the situation does not occur. was apparently not the same in the media of the Holy See.

After the summit, Scaraffia explained that although the event was a breakthrough, the bishops continue to play the role of controllers behaving as if they were innocent as they are not controlled by the police. Church. He also stressed the need for a female presence in the institution and not in the lower positions, "I even imagine them as secretaries of state", clarified to the Spanish newspaper The country.

But, given the social and cultural relevance of the church, can the lack of female representation be a cause of the institution's falling credibility?


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