Justice asked Florencia Kirchner to expand reports on his health


The request was made in the context of the Los Sauces case by the public prosecutor who will intervene in the oral proceedings, Diego Velazco before the proposal of the defense that asked the permission so that Florencia Kirchner could stay 45 days more in Cuba.

Velazco claimed that defender Carlos Beraldi had presented a summary of clinical history, reason why asked the same thing but in full. The prosecutor has asked the Oral Court No. 5 to organize the oral trial, which intimates the defense to contribute in the same way within 30 days. It should be noted that the court will organize the measure in the next hours.

Cristina Kirchner, Florencia and Maximo

The President of the Court, Daniel Obligado, had asked the medical staff to report on the time required for the restoration of Florence, based on the clinical history presented. The purpose of the expertise is to determine if the young woman can travel or not and how long the treatment will take.

Former President Cristina Kirchner has published a summary of her daughter's medical history on her Twitter account: "Main diagnosis (definitive): stress disorder Posttraumatic ", "purpuric syndrome, sensitive demyelinating polyneuropathy, amenorrhea, low body weight and mild lymphoedema of the lower limbs".


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