Trial for expropriation of YPF: urgent management in the United States – 25/03/2019


At a meeting in the State Department, Argentina began defending yesterday in Washington its position of trying to save the nationalization of YPF, the most important litigation that our country is facing and which could cost you $ 3 billion , according to market estimates.

Treasury Prosecutor Bernardo Saravia Frías; the YPF executive and senior legal adviser to President Mauricio Macri, Fabián "Pepín" Rodríguez Simón; The ambbadador to Washington, Fernando Oris de Roa, and a group of lawyers appeared Monday at the State Department for argue the position of Argentina in this fundamental judgment.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

This is because the US Supreme Court has decided to seek the advice of the Donald Trump administration on the YPF's expropriation jurisdiction case and that this is raising expectations in the government. , arguing that the Washington court could ultimately fail to move the lawsuit to Argentina, which the president Mauricio Macri's team is looking for.

"It's a political and legal problem ", sources from the prosecutor's office said Clarín. For example, at the meeting at the State Department (in charge of international relations), Oris de Roa led the presentation, accompanied by ambbadadors from Chile and Mexico, who supported Argentina's request to transfer the trial to our country. country.

This Tuesday, they will go to the Ministry of Justice to see the "Solicitor General" or the US Attorney, to whom they will present the most technical arguments of the case.

Government lawyers believe that expropriation is a sovereign act of the country and that it should be tried by local courts because, according to the doctrine of the "Act of State", the US judiciary should not interfere in the acts of other countries concerning events on its territory. The Burford Fund, which, after the expropriation, remained in the hands of the Petersen Group companies, the Eskenazi family, and the ability to sue, understands that the matter in question falls under commercial law and that It should be judged in the United States, where the YPF Shares.

According to this newspaper, at the State Department, the room was full, with US officials and technicians very knowledgeable about the case. The Argentines explained what the lawsuit meant for the country and the lawyers detailed some technical questions.

Then they were subjected to a battery of "very deep" questions. "It was encouraging, because it means that there is still no decision taken"Said the sources.

After the Argentines explained their position on Tuesday at the Ministry of Justice, the two ministries will send the recommendation to the Supreme Court to decide the question of jurisdiction within an undetermined time.


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