Policewoman shot dead man for not wearing seatbelt | Chronic


In the video that was leaked last Monday, you can see the exact moment when a rookie police officer fires at a black man without weapons. The above is derived from a discussion of how to drive without using the seatbelt.

The incident occurred in the city of Lawrence, Kansas, when the officer Brindley's Blood He accidentally activated his charge weapon instead of a taser.

The video allows you to appreciate how the driver, identified as Akira Lewis, chat with Blood's partner, Ian McCannafter the arrest, demanding to speak to his superior and baduring that he was arrested only for the color of his skin.

During the altercation, the officer calls for reinforcements. The police come to his aid and shoot the man who hit McCann.

Blood resigned from the company after being suspended in January as part of the fact-finding, for which she is charged with aggravated badault.

The defense believes that the case should be dismissed, claiming that even though she made a mistake, she was not negligent.

Meanwhile, Lewis, who survived the shooting, was charged with badaulting a police officer.


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