Neither "José Luis Borges" nor "Jorge Luis Borges": what is the real name of the writer? – 27/03/2019


"Your José Luis Borges, our also by universal, left written that the language is not only an instrument of communication, but a tradition and a destiny ".

The incredible furcio of the King of Spain at the opening of Language Congress-Naming as "Jose Luis" the author of Fictions– it generated an explosion in the networks according to to the size of the error.

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Now well: What is the real name of the great writer of Hispanic and universal literature?

Jorge Luis Borges was born at 5 am in the cold August 24, 1899

Two days later, his father, Jorge Guillermo, registered him with the name of Jorge Francisco Isidoro.

It was calling Jorge for his father; Francisco by his paternal grandfather and Isidore for his maternal grandfather.

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ButWhy did not they save as Luis?

"The omission of the name Luis can give rise to innumerable interpretations. Was it the forgetfulness of his father or a deliberate act? Was it a decision of marriage, after birth, or perhaps a commitment to a parent? Years later, Borges would say that Luis's name comes from his Uruguayan parent, Luis Melián Lafinur. "

The prayer and this discovery are taken from the exhaustive biography of Borges written by Alejandro Vaccaro (Borges: Life and Literature, Edhasa, 2006).

The truth is that only in 1939, for the execution of the trial in succession following the death of his father, Borges he will notice that incredibly, they had not registered the name Luis.

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The writer then added it legally by presenting the certificate of baptism established in 1900 in the parish of San Nicolás de Bari, where they are, effectively, the four names.

There is the real name: Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis.

You and our Borges.


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