Sultanate to punish the stoning of gay sex and adultery


As early as next Wednesday, the Sultanate of Brunei, located in Southeast Asia, will punish the death penalty by stoning gay bad and adultery, while announcing that he will cut his hands and feet For the flight.

According to Clarín, the measure taken by the resource-rich country that practices Islam more strictly than its Malaysian and Indonesian neighbors has provoked a strong reaction from human rights groups, such as Amnesty International.

The amendment is due to an amendment to the Penal Code, which stiffens sentences: homobaduality was already illegal in the sultanate, but it will now become a capital crime.

It should be noted that the legislation only applies to Muslims.

With regard to sanctions for robbery, the text indicates that the right hand will be amputated before a first offense and that, in the event of a second offense, the left foot will be amputated.

The measure attempted to be punished in Brunei in 2013, but fervent opposition from the international community delayed its implementation.

On December 29, a notice from the Department of Justice announced that the new code would come into effect on April 3 of this year.

At the present time, five countries and two territories of the world sanction the homobadual relations of the death penalty: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, Mauritania, Nigeria and Somalia.


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