What was Queen Maxima doing in Holland? – 28/03/2019


This was nothing serious as we suspected at one time. But something a little "glamorous" for a member of royalty. Queen Maxima of Holland underwent an operation a few days ago. And now, we know what they have done. From an onion.

According to the RTL Boulevard program, devoted to royalty and lifestyle on the Dutch television channel RTL 4, Máxima Zorreguieta was followed in a private clinic to eliminate a Hallux valgus or an onion, as everyone knows, this deviation of the big toe can be conbad or result from the usual use of tacos.

The official communication of the fee does not deny nor confirm this information, but considering pre- and postoperative care, all indications are that it was the reason for the intervention.

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Last week, the Dutch royal house issued a statement alerting the citizens of this country. They announced that Queen Máxima would undergo an operation again. She had to suspend the two acts in her diary because the doctors had recommended rest.

Queen Máxima in December, when she came to
Buenos Aires at the G20 summit (Archive)

Queen Máxima in December, when she came to
Buenos Aires at the G20 summit (Archive)

Although it was estimated that the queen had resumed business this week, anxiety was growing because it was not spelled out – in the announcement – what was the reason for the ## 147 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 39; action. Although it was made clear that he was "A minor operation" and that it was better not to move too much for the moment.

High heels. With Juliana Awada in Malba, at the G20 summit (Archive)

High heels. With Juliana Awada in Malba, at the G20 summit (Archive)

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The King of the Netherlands, Guillermo, spoke about Máxima's state of health during his last public appearance last Friday and comforted himself by saying that "everything is fine, there is no reason for it. There is no need to worry, he will be back in a few days, "part of a volunteer program at the Soest Zoo.

Other health problems

Queen Máxima of Holland, in a photo of January (EFE)

Queen Máxima of Holland, in a photo of January (EFE)

This is not the first time that Queen Maxima has faced in recent years to health problems. In November, "he was missing due to an intestinal infection and, although he was supposed to perform no activity for three weeks, he reappeared after 12 days of complete restoration," said Vanitatis, the Spanish-language website El Confidencial.

In 2015, she was also sick due to a serious kidney infection that forced her to hastily interrupt her state visit to China. She had to return to the Netherlands because the treatment they applied did not work. expected. A year later, Máxima fell and suffered a slight concussion this also forced him to rest.

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Now, as in the past, it returns to its normal state and resumes its usual activities.


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