He ate raw pork and his brain was filled with worms that caused his death


An 18-year-old girl was taken to the Faridabad hospital in India after being seized. Given the seriousness of the photo presented, the doctors ordered the immediate realization of a MRI of your brain. Upon receiving the result of the study, they witnessed a terrible reality: It was full of verses.

The case of the young man, whose identity was not revealed, was published in the newspaper New England Journal of Medicine with the images obtained from your brain. According to the report, the patient entered the institution in state of confusion, with the right eye inflamed and with pain in the groin, so they asked to do a tomography.

To the amazement of professionals, the study showed that convulsions and injuries in his body had been caused by the presence of cysts produced by Taenia Solium, a parasite transmitted by the consumption of raw or undercooked pork.

Through egg production, the worm is able to spread rapidly throughout the body, generating cysts and damaging tissue. disease called cysticercosis. Unfortunately, the amount of injury in the adolescent brain was such that doctors could do nothing to save him. he died after two weeks under treatment with dexamethasone and antiepileptics.

Taenia Solium (Source: Shutterstock).
Taenia Solium (Source: Shutterstock).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tapeworm infection is the leading "preventable" cause of epilepsy in developing countries. Disease is contracted by the consumption of raw food, especially porkand by ingestion of water contaminated by their eggs.

Although the parasite usually lodges in the intestines, it can begin to invade other tissues of the body if it is not treated properly. When it recurs in the central nervous system, muscles, skin and eyes undergo a variant of this condition called neurocysticercosis, the most serious form of the disease.


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