The RAE now supports the use of the "e": "Historical inequalities are also found in the language"


The RAE has changed opinions on the use of inclusive language. The current director, Santiago Muñoz Machado, insured – in Córdoba – in the International Congress of the Spanish Language What "Historical inequalities are also found in the language".

"We are more than willing to promote all that is needed to increase the visibility of the female gender in the language," Muñoz Machado said.

It should be recalled that in October 2018, Darío Villanueva Prieto, director of the RAEduring his visit to Córdoba to present the Congress of the Spanish Language, he had stated that the "e" was "discriminatory".

The International Congresses of the Spanish Language are the most important meetings related to Spanish language and culture, organized every three years by the Cervantes Institute, the Royal Academy of Spain and the Association of Language Academies.


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