In the statement, Bolton said that the United States rejected the interference of personnel sent by other countries ",including the introduction of Russian military personnel and equipment in Venezuela"
"Maduro will use this military support only for to repress even more people from Venezuela, perpetuate the economic crisis which destroyed the Venezuelan economy and jeopardize regional stability. We call on the Venezuelan army to respect its constitutional obligation to protect the citizens of Venezuela, "said Trump administration official.
He added: "We strongly warn the outside actors of the Western Hemisphere against the deployment of military badets in Venezuela or elsewhere in the hemisphere, with the intention of establishing or extending military operations"
"We will regard these acts of provocation as a direct threat to peace and international security in the region. We will continue to defend and protect the interests of the United States and our partners in the Western Hemisphere.who are rooted in a shared respect for freedom, security and legality, "he concluded.
These new statements of Bolton are in line with remarks made Wednesday by President Donald Trump. In a meeting with Fabiana Rosales, wife of Venezuela's interim president, Juan Guaidó, she said that "Russia must leave"from the Caribbean country.
Trump did not want to delve deeper into the subject, and when asked if he had talked to the Russian government about it, he replied: "They already know it. They know it very well"
Bolton then told reporters that the phrase "clear and concise"The president was a message"direct"to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, he had already warned his Russian counterpart on Monday, Sergei Lavrov, that Washington will not stay "with arms crossed"before the Russian presence in Venezuela.
But Russia has defended the legality of its military cooperation with the government of Nicolás Maduro, which has one of its main international allies in Putin at a time when fifty countries consider its mandate as illegitimate.
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