Massive takeoff of 24 American stealth fighters in Alaska with a warrior look


A mbadive takeoff of fighter planes meant to show the readiness of the US Air Force in case of a major military conflict occurred on March 26 in Alaska. The periodic maneuvers known as the "elephant tower" were carried out by 24 stealth F-22 Raptor fighters, which are the most expensive fighter jets in the United States.

While the air force of this country is reorienting itself towards competition with possible enemies such as Russia and China, the high-level demonstrations of the high-level preparation of its fighter jets become more and more frequent, notes Tyler Rogoway. military commentator of The Drive portal.


This time, the show took place in the 3rd wing of the American Elmendorf Base in Anchorage, Alaska, whose 24 F-22 Raptor fighters took off all together, accompanied by the E-3 Sentry and Airplane. pre-alert and heavy carrier C-17 Globemaster III. That is to say that all aircraft deployed in this base participated.

These short-term combat readiness exercises are conducted with some frequency, usually in bases located abroad or at major facilities in the United States, as in the case of Elmendorf.

The "elephant ride" exercises evaluate the ability of units to perform the largest number of missions in 24-hour periods, which they may have to do in practice in the event of war or war. of large-scale combat operations.

According to The Drive's expert, the maneuvers are "especially important because the aircrafts and airmen that make up the wing are among the first to rush into a crisis zone in the Pacific region," continued Mr. Rogoway. -22 and E-3 based on Elmendorf are the spearhead of the United States Air Defense spear for a huge airspace located near the territory of Russia and the increasingly strategic region of the United States. Arctic. "




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