Greta | Page12


Greta Thunberg very early reached the time of stigma. At 16 Since last week, in more than a thousand cities around the world, countless high school students have put on their shoulders the fight against climate change. A campaign of ridicule has been launched in the great means of Europe. global bullyng. His victim is this Swedish teenager who was diagnosed after ten years of Asperger's syndrome and who said in a conversation with TED with a large audience was still very calm, very lonely, a person who did not speak only when strictly necessary. From an always slow voice and meditating word for word, he said in his speech while looking at the seats: "That's why I'm talking here today because it's strictly necessary. "It is at the age of 14 that he has strictly felt it necessary to speak in front of crowds, in front of hearings such as the European Parliament or the Davos Forum, because that is what it is. is at that moment that he made his historical understanding understand: if his generation did not act already, if they will be adults when this planet will no longer be viable, they will not go out on the street anymore. they will negotiate with their own lack of future.

According to all scientific diagnoses, toxic emissions must begin to be reduced now, not "soon" or "soon", but already, because times do not give. This week, 20,000 scientists from around the world joined the Friday for Future movement, which brings together supporters from more than 100 countries, whose first major milestone was reached on March 15th. "Young people are right" was the title of the accession document. Climate change will cause disasters and ecosystem imbalances irreversibly and without antecedents in thousands of years. Two years ago, Greta understood this and decided to go on strike at age 14. She started alone. He missed school every Friday, protesting against the lack of comprehensive political decisions to stop climate change.

And just two years ago, the determined attitude of a girl who understood that it was her right and that of her children and grandchildren to live on this planet, c & rsquo; Is today a world phenomenon. The mainstream media have silenced it, closing everything that was uncomfortable or threatening. But it's in a thousand cities that, under the leadership of Greta Thunberg, thousands and thousands of teenagers have left for their governments to act to reduce toxic emissions, which means that large scale must be stopped. in forests, jungles, deserts. That the system can not continue to accelerate the extinction of species because the human is also one of them.

The media did not just shut up. When, through the networks, the Friday movement for the future became visible, they launched a simultaneous attack of ridicule and degradation of Greta's figure. They showed that it started with a banana: in Sweden there were no bananas. The photo said that Greta ate a banana with fuel used to transport a tropical fruit in his country. They showed them to their dogs: they indicated that if dogs eat meat, Greta is not consistent either. The most degrading attack may have been made by Le Figaro, through an unfiltered comment directly directed on Greta's syndrome Asperger: someone thought he was " It's a shame to see so many young people being led by a zombie. "

Greta's voice still can not break through the barrier of silence with a simple and hard logic, like her, who told the European Parliament: "I know that they do not want me to be here. I do not like you to be here either, because you have not done your homework. We did our homework. We read the scientific reports. What we are asking is that they pay attention to science, because when we grow up, it will be too late. "

The Friday for the Future movement embodies a generation that enters politics on this vital and powerful side. It's with their bodies that they shout it, they think it, they demand it. Their bodies are entitled to housing. And they warn, with much more clarity and precision than other generations, on the extreme gravity of this moment. They are another step in the global resistance to the tantalizing model that overwhelms us.

The power of finance, transgenics, patents, vultures, in short, the hardest wing of the right that puts its rusty paw on many territories, denies climate change. For Trump, it's a lie on the left. And it is in this key of resistance to the effect of unreality that the law deserves to read this unprecedented movement led by this blonde-haired girl who literally takes for literal: or act now otherwise there will be no safe place so those who today are fifteen live their lives and have their children, and continue with the job of the species.

The politics of the world right cause death in many different ways, but always death. In wars or famines, in natural disasters, in blows in the back as those received daily by social leaders in Peru and Colombia. These men and women, many among the indigenous peoples, died in defense of natural resources. It's the same fight as that of Greta Thunberg, but from another region and from another historical line. The claim is the same in a fund not too deep. They want life. Live. They want what is necessary and sufficient for life to be possible. They want to live the necessary balance. This is the macroeconomic framework in which our own astonishing national circumstances unfold. It does not take much to understand that there is fierce power at the top, so high that it is indecipherable, and that it moves the strings so that nothing stops death. And we must also warn, with a little hope, that there are no less amazing historical synchrony and that resistance to the project of death develops and feeds on unthinkable phenomena. Greta and her peers are already a new global player who brings her huge grain of sand to the fight for the project of life. Greta is a symptom of the regeneration of life.


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