Britain disagrees: Parliament rejects for the third time the EU exit agreement – 03/29/2019


Britain has chosen to regain "control" by voting in the Brexit referendum, but today, it is the European Union that will control its continuity or its departure. At the historic "Brexit Day", Premier Theresa May was defeated Friday for the third time in the House of Commons with her EU divorce plan by 344 votes to 286 and she was at short of projects. In order to be able to adopt the motion again before the President (the President of the House), he had to split the package between the agreement he put to the vote and the political declaration that will unite the relations between the Brexit and the EU.



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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

At least 34 Conservative MPs voted against the government with the Labor Party. This is the decisive vote of his former allies of DUP (Protestants of Northern Ireland), who buried their hope. They bet that Parliament will change the safeguards to avoid a tough border with Ireland. The most important breeders, like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg, voted in favor of the fear of a No Brexit and the fact that May's successors could be in Downing St. during the election. the new Conservative leader.

The EU called for an urgent summit on April 10th. They will decide between a long extension of Article 50 that could reach two years, British participation in the European elections or a spectacular departure without agreement. The new key date for the kingdom is April 12 and not May 22 because the agreement has not been approved.

The only possibility for Britain is to reach a consensus next Monday in the House of Commons when the most popular issues will be debated during the "indicative votes" of the deputies, where they did not win the majority in any of the eight Brexit options. A method proposed by conservative Oliver Lewin MEPs have the opportunity to find an alternative plan to Brexit that day. The government does not have any anymore.

The political declaration, which establishes future relations with the mainland, has not been the subject of a vote and has the right to be altered. It can integrate the customs union and even a second referendum as a new proposal, which were the two most voted options in Wednesday's "indicative votes". Otherwise, the government will leave on April 12, in just 14 days. If you change the political statement, you can try again to get "a meaningful vote" in Parliament next Wednesday against the clock. Believe it or not, it would be one of the favorite departures of prime ministers and a new defeat.

Protesters on Parliament Square./ AFP

Protesters on Parliament Square./ AFP

The last possibility is that you unilaterally revoke Article 50 and find yourself without Brexit. No agreement or no Brexit seem to be the options in the midst of this chaotic uncertainty. "The consequences of the decision of this House are serious." After the vote, May said, "I'm afraid we are reaching the limit of this process in this chamber." "This government will continue to demand an orderly Brexit so that the outcome of the referendum demands" continued the Prime Minister after his defeat. .

The day Britain was due to leave the European Union, May said that MPs should debate a political declaration for next week. But he gave no hint about what they would do.

Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn called for the immediate resignation of the president after his "half-cooked Brexit" and demanded the launch of a general election. He was backed by Scottish nationalists, who called for the repeal of Article 50 in order to cancel Brexit and call early parliamentary elections.

Not all breeders supported Theresa May. Steve Baker, the number two of the powerful European Brexit Research Group (ERG) asked May "to leave" and give room "to a new leader so that he can arrange a divorce agreement that pbades by Parliament ". But that's not what May apparently thinks. His agreement was unsuccessful and he does not intend to leave. He will remain in power until he finds a way with the Europeans.

Theresa May./ AFP

Theresa May./ AFP

May tried to convince MPs until the last minute. "By voting on this motion, MEPs are closing no door, which is the last chance to guarantee Brexit," he said in his latest speech, while promising meaningful participation in the next step. "We do not believe it," the parliamentarians shouted.

"I know that I am asking some MPs to vote for a Brexit lower than the one they were expecting.I am ready to leave this post before trying to find the real solution for Britain. should look in his heart and think that is the right thing to do for his constituents and the country, "he said before starting the vocation.

The very day Britain officially left the European Union, the House of Commons was convened exceptionally on Friday for this historic session. The goal of May was to leave as early as possible to avoid participating in the May 23 European elections, which are a requirement of the EU, if Britain does not leave on the 12th. April.

Europeans do not want Brexit to contaminate their European election campaign, threatened by populism, they are fed up with Brexit. A study by Sky News showed that of the 705 seats in the European Parliament, 233 would be populist, 138 extreme right and 38 left. For them, the most popular option is for Britain to leave with a nonconformity, in the midst of "Brexit fatigue". But the British Parliament voted overwhelmingly against this possibility.

The deputies in full debate. / AFP

The deputies in full debate. / AFP

The Brexit agreement provided for rights for Europeans residing in Great Britain and for British nationals residing in the EU who are in legal stalemate. Alberto Costa, conservative deputy of Italian origin who had to resign from the cabinet to impose his amendment, said that "in the face of this defeat, the prime minister should call on European leaders" to guarantee the rights of citizens of the rest of the country. In Europe in Britain and British in the EU separately.

A long extension of divorce implies the scenario unwanted by May: participate in the European elections on May 26. British candidates have until April 11 to submit their nominations. That is why the EU has set the deadline for April 12th.

With some pragmatism, preparations began in Britain to participate in these elections. The condition required to avoid the No Agreement. British officials, the Cabinet Office and the Electoral Commission are already planning plans for the elections.

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This possibility is attempted by all parties and May, who tries to avoid it, considers it a betrayal of what was voted in the referendum. Others fear an election campaign that will further divide the country. When he reaches this election, Nigel Farage, founder of the eurosceptic party UKIP, will lead the "Brexit party". But the Conservative and Labor MPs who formed the independent group will make their debut as a party and present their candidates.

At the same time as the European elections, it is very likely that early parliamentary elections will be held in the kingdom. "Change" brings together Conservative and Labor dissidents who have left their respective groups to meet in an independent, pro-European and anti-Brexit group. The first indication that the implosion in the British Brexit parties begins to change the political horizon. Voters really feel "homeless" at that time, disappointed by both. They are angry at Parliament Square in front of the House of Commons.


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