The Brazilian president and former captain of the army, Jair Bolsonaro, ordered the country's armed forces to carry out "appropriate commemorations"from the anniversary of the date on which the army took power in Brazil, 55 years ago.
President Bolsonaro "does not believe that March 31, 1964 was a military state coup"The government spokesman, Otavio Rego Barros, told reporters Monday," that he thinks the company has brought civilians and military together and that we have managed to get our country moving.
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This post is not a novelty in the political career of the highest authority. Bolsonaro has always expressed his position in favor of the military dictatorship of Brazil (1964-1985). In this sense, when she voted in favor of the dismissal of former President Dilma Rousseff, she, in her speech, dedicated this decision to the executioner of the military dictatorship. Colonel Carlos Alberto Brillante Ustra. Killed in 2015, Ustra was found guilty of kidnapping and torture.
Following such a marked ideology once in power he did not show signs of moderation of his position. In recent weeks, many people in Paraguay and Chile have been baffled by the praise of their brutal dictators.
Bolsonaro's approval dropped 16% since January, according to an Ibope poll
March 31 marks the beginning of a military regime that lasted more than two decades in Brazil. Hundreds of people were killed or tortured by the armed forces, who justified their actions by claiming that they avoided a communist takeover.
In response to the Bolsonaro order, opposition lawmakers plan to hold an event in favor of democracy on March 31.
Jair Bolsonaro's most disputed statements include racism, homophobia and more.
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