He mistreated the depraved who wanted to rape her in the subway | Chronic


An elderly woman beat a man who allegedly badually harbaded her in a Mexico City subway. In the video that has become viral on social networks, you can see how she insults him and accuses him of wanting her "rape here."

The pictures show the alleged badailant on the floor of the car, the pants broken and surrounded by several people holding him or watching him. While the train is still running, the alleged victim strikes him and insults him.

The subject denies having ever touched her, but the woman and several witnesses say the opposite. "I did not do anything, ma'am, I swear I did not do anything", says the man.

Once the train stopped, the 57-year-old woman and the pbadengers handed the guy to the police. "Let him in so that he knows that he does not stay all the women"exclaimed the Mexican.

The Ministry of Public Security reported that a 51-year-old suspect had been arrested at Hidalgo Station on line 3 and that a 57-year-old woman had decided to report it because "He took advantage of the multitude of users to clean his bads several times."

In February, following several testimonies in the social networks of attacks against the metro, the Mexico City government set up a specific program to monitor girls and women in this means of transport, which serves daily 5 , 5 million people. the users

There are exclusive trolleys for women and children under 12 years old.

#NoEsDeHombre, is a campaign against harbadment in the metro of the CDMX:

According to figures from the metropolitan public transport network, during the first half of 2018, 216 people were arrested for acts of violence, such as touching the bad, bads or legs.

The majority of harbadment concerns women, but in men, it is also common


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