a passage in the waters of Mar del Plata at 37 years of the Falklands war «Diario La Capitale de Mar del Plata


In the overview of a new April 2, to commemorate the 37th anniversary of the landing of Argentine troops in the Falkland Islands and to pay tribute to ex-combatants, A group of swimmers crossed the waters of Mar del Plata on Sunday.

"Swim not to forget" This is the name of a group of amateur swimmers who came back this morning to pay tribute to the heroes who fought for the islands.

Malvinas Crossing

Accompanied by members of the Falklands Former Soldiers' Center in Mar del Plata, the Marplatense Kayak Association and the support of the neighbors were organized "A swim" from Playa Constitución to Torreón del Monje.

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For long minutes, the swimmers crossed the Mar del Plata coast from one point to another under the watchful eye of the veterans and parents of the Falklands, who were waiting for the group on the wharf and when they left the boat. water, they hugged each other.

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With the excitement on the surface, the swimmers made this trip in anticipation of the activities planned for this month to commemorate 37 years of the Falklands war and before the development of the vigil that will be held on Monday night, on the eve of April 2.

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It should be noted that the veteran still participated in this crossing. Walter of the Vega, who swam in the honor of his companions.

After the excitement of the crossing, the activity shifted to the war memorial of Cordoba and Diagonal Alberdi, where he made his way a significant new tribute.

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In this memory site downtown, the traditional act of April 2 is again planned with the participation of members of the Center of the Malvinas' old soldiers of the city, which this year, for the first time, will not count on the presence of the mayor since, as planned CAPITAL, Carlos Arroyo was upset by a decision of the ex-combatants and will participate in another parallel event at the naval base.

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