Russian millionaire Natalia Fíleva died in a plane crash – 04/01/2019


The corpse of one of Russia's richest women, the businesswoman Natalia Fíleva, was found Monday between the wreckage of a plane wreck and three people on board Sunday in Erzhausen (West Germany).

Fíleva 55, one of the owners of the airline Siberian Airlines (S7), had a fortune estimated at 600 million dollars (535 million euros), according to the American economic magazine Forbes, calculated in 2018.

Remains of the fuselage of a plane in an asparagus field in Erzhausen near Darmstadt, Germany. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek.

Remains of the fuselage of a plane in an asparagus field in Erzhausen near Darmstadt, Germany. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek.

Forensic experts on Monday inspect the remains of a plane in an asparagus field in Erzhausen. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek

Forensic experts on Monday inspect the remains of a plane in an asparagus field in Erzhausen. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek

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Police officers and experts from the German Federal Air Accident Investigation Bureau (BFU) and Russian specialists evacuated from Moscow urgently examined the scene of the accident and hope to submit a first report of the accident. here on May 25th.

The final conclusions could take "weeks, months or even years," said a spokesman for the BFU. Forensics plans to practice the autopsies of the three victims tomorrow. It is believed that Fíleva was traveling with his father and a Russian pilot.

Fileva was 55 years old. Photo: AFP.

Fileva was 55 years old. Photo: AFP.

A man is crying on Monday next to a bouquet of flowers at the place where crashed the plane of the Russian businesswoman. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek.

A man is crying on Monday next to a bouquet of flowers at the place where crashed the plane of the Russian businesswoman. Photo: EFE / Ronald Wittek.

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For the moment, the reasons why the aircraft, a modern American-made Epic E1000 aircraft for six pbadengers, has rushed to shore in a rural area and burned down completely shortly after leaving Cannes (south from France) are unknown. without reporting radio impact.

Source: The Vanguardia


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