Iranians who entered the country with false passports will remain in detention | Chronic


The two Iranian citizens who entered the country in early March with fake Israeli pbadports will remain in detention, the Federal Court of Appeal in Buenos Aires ruled.

The court of appeal refused to release Sajjad Samiei Naserani and Masoureh Zabzali confirming a previous decision of the federal judge Luis Rodríguez. The two Iranians were tried for using fake pbadports on behalf of two Israeli citizens who entered the country through Ezeiza International Airport on March 12, despite checks by the National Directorate of Migration.

Interpol reports revealed that both pbadport numbers were declared stolen and that the Iranians were imprisoned a few days later in the vicinity of Oz.

Sajjad Samiei Naserani and Masoureh Zabzali were the subject of an investigation for this fact, but they were also charged "an international illicit badociation to commit crimes for an indefinite period, including illegal smuggling of migrants, forgery of public documents, theft, theft and concealment"

"In this context, to the nature and peculiarities of the events mentioned, it is added that the investigation is in full development and that there are outstanding measures allowing to identify new avenues of research to determine the true extent of the unlawful operation in question. and the aspects that compose it", the judges considered Martín Irurzun and Leopoldo Bruglia by ratifying the trial with the preventive detention dictated by Judge Rodríguez.


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