The Supreme Court asks to lift the parliamentary immunity of Guaidó


The Supreme Court of Venezuela has asked to take this afternoon the parliamentary immunity granted to the acting president, Juan Guaidó, incumbent next to the National Assembly.

The request, made to the National Constituent Assembly, controlled by Chavismo, opens the risk of capture at Guaidó at any time.

The court ordered the blocking of his accounts and reiterated the ban on leaving the country.

Maikel Moreno read to reporters a decision of the Plenary Chamber which will be transmitted to the ruling National Constituent Assembly (ANC) "with the aim of acquiescing to the parliamentary immunity of said citizen Juan Gerardo Guaidó ".

The high court's decision also declares Guaidó's "disregard" for circumventing a dictated exit ban from Venezuela and that, despite this, the politician has carried out a nearly two-week tour in five American countries of the United States. South.

As a result, the Supreme Court agreed to impose on the opponent a fine of US $ 200, approximately $ 3, and ordered to send a copy of these measures to the prosecutor's office "in order to prosecute the prosecution of a senior official, "said Moreno.



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