For Bolsonaro, there is no doubt that Nazism is left


Shortly after his visit to the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, a reporter asked the far right he agreed with the statement that Nazism was a leftist movement, as stated by his Foreign Minister, Ernesto Araújo.

"There is no doubt," replied Bolsonaro. "The Socialist Party, how are you going? The German National Socialist Party of Germany," he added, recalling the name of the party of Adolf Hitler.

The Brazilian press recalled that the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center in Jerusalem clearly explains on its website that Nazism was part of the emergence of "radical right-wing groups" in Germany.

The Brazilian Foreign Minister, who accompanies Bolsonaro during his visit to Israel, recently said in an interview with a Youtube channel that "fascism and Nazism are phenomena of the left".

"The left is terrified whenever there is a debate about the possibility of clbadifying Nazism as a leftist movement," said his Metapolitica blog on Sunday.

In this space, the Chancellor has already propagated controversial theories on "cultural Marxism" that "influenced the scientific dogma of global warming" or claimed that "the ultimate goal of globalization is to break the bonds between God and the man ".

Bolsonaro concluded Tuesday a three-day visit to Israel, during which he set a diplomatic precedent, when he became the first foreign affairs president to visit the Western Wall on Monday with an Israeli prime minister. .

Former captain of the army, the Brazilian president is accused of denial of the fact that he wants to praise the military regime instituted in Brazil from 1964 to 1985, which he refuses to describe as dictatorship.

On Sunday, several thousand Brazilians protested against a decision by the president that boosted commemorations of the 1964 military coup among the troops.


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