Uruguay: Tabaré Vázquez has dismissed military leaders


April 2, 2019
– 11:04

The Uruguayan president on Monday stopped the leadership of the army and received resignations from the minister and deputy minister of defense.

The president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, announced Monday the dismissal of the Minister of Defense, Jorge Menéndez, Deputy Minister Daniel Montiel and of three generals of the army, among them, Commander-in-Chief José Ariel González, who had taken office a fortnight ago.

The decision was made in the middle of a scandal arising from the publication of a journalistic report in which the Procedure of a court of honor to José Gavazzo, a soldier convicted of crimes during the dictatorship, in which he acknowledged the murder of a leftist militant in a military unit.

The three generals dismissed by the president are those who were part of the Court of Honor, in which they concluded that Gavazzo, in carrying out this action, did not affect the morale of the army. Among them, the current commander Jose Ariel González and his comrades armed Alfredo Erramún and Gustavo Fajardo.


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From the journalistic report, The Office of the Prosecutor opened an investigation because the facts had never been reported to the Uruguayan courts.

The survey was published by the newspaper El Observador and details that Gavazzo acknowledged that it was he who had thrown into the Negro River the body of what was considered the first political disappearance of Uruguay in 1973.

Gavazzo is a recognized torturer during the last Uruguayan military dictatorship, happened between 1973 and 1985 he was convicted of 28 homicides and this week we knew that last year, he admitted the murder of Roberto Gomensoro, activist of the guerrilla National Liberation Movement (MLN-Tupamaros), who integrated into his youth the former president José Mujica (2010-2015).

In the face of criticism by the government and the army, the Uruguayan president has decided to dismiss the members of the Court of Honor and the defense minister for failing to extract the text of the confession before the court. ordinary courts.


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