Weekly Number Replacement: Why Your GPS May Stop Working This Week – 01/04/2019


The system GPS is known worldwide for its ability to provide a accurate and reliable positioning and time information around the world. However, this Saturday, there could be a very special phenomenon in GPS around the world, which could reach badly affects them and even stop them from working, especially older models.

As was the case with "the effect of the year 2000", April 6 many GPS in the world will again display a date of 1980, in an effect called "Replacement of the number of the week".

Clarin Bulletins

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The most read of the day | Discover what we talked about today to stay out of the world

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Why does this happen?

According to Garmin, one of the leading GPS manufacturers, GPS satellites transmit users the date and time with a precision of about one nanosecond.

But 1980, when the GPS system began to follow the timethe date and time were represented by a counter reaching a maximum of 1024 weeks.About 19.7 years After the 1024 weeks, the meter has been reset and GPS time starts counting again.

Graph published by the European satellite service provider, describing how the GPS meter will be reset. (Essp-sas.eu)

Graph published by the European satellite service provider, describing how the GPS meter will be reset. (Essp-sas.eu)

The first restoration it's happened in August 1999. The second, this will take place April 6, 2019.

That day, the affected GPS devices they will show an incorrect date and time after the restoration. In addition, this incorrect data will be used to date tracking logs, calculate dawn and dusk, and other functions dependent on a correct date and time.

Despite this, they believe that Positioning accuracy will not be affected. Many devices will continue to offer the same performance in terms of positioning as before the reset.

To update the GPS, you must visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the software. Germán García Adrasti.

To update the GPS, you must visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the software. Germán García Adrasti.

To update devices, most of which do not have an Internet connection, you need to update your firmware. If it's a portable device, we have to go to the manufacturer's website and search for software. Once downloaded, you must follow the instructions to add it to the device.

Normally enough connect it via USB to the computer or use a memory card. Manufacturers may request that we install update management software in our system.

If the device is built into our car, we should ask some official workshop of the company, or maybe look at customer service systems or official forums. Each device is programmed differently and, in some cases, the failure will have no effect because it has already been programmed without limitation.

The avant-garde / Garmin

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