They force the twins to be the parents of a girl that they do not recognize


Nobody has taken over the paternity. The DNA badysis could not establish because they share the same genetic code. Now a judge asks them to keep the baby

The Goiás Court of Justice, a state in central Brazil, has sentenced two Brazilian twins to be fined each other, asking them to pay child support to a girl who is not recognized by any of them. like a girl. The unusual decision was made public yesterday by Brazilian judicial sources.

Given the impossibility of discovering who is the father by means of a DNA test, since both present the same genetic code, and the refusal of both to recognize the girl as a daughter, the magistrate Filipe Luís Peruca has designated the dual biological fatherhood, that both twins will have to register their name on the birth certificate of the girl and pay him alimony.

They are monozygotic twins – or univitellines – that is to say, a single fertilized egg. They therefore have the same genetic identity and the exams show the girl's compatibility with both.

According to a court statement, the twins, aged 31, took advantage of their identical appearance to "hide their infidelities" in adolescence and, in the case of the paternity of the girl, both appealed to the responsibility of the other.

The mother of the girl, aged 25, told the court that she was having a brief relationship with her daughter's father, whom she met at a party with friends, according to local media.

Although he told her that he had a twin brother and that he was not at first suspicious of anything, when he attributed the paternity of the girl to her. He allegedly met, he claimed that the father was his twin brother.

The wife's lawyer, Eduardo Paula Alves, baderted that "it is clear that anyone who has had a relationship with the mother remembers", but the problem is that "none of them wants to take responsibility and that the woman can not differentiate them ".

For his part, the judge concluded in his sentence that "one of the brothers, in bad faith, seeks to hide his paternity" and that "the justice must repress these dishonest behaviors".

The twins will each have to pay 30% of the minimum wage in Brazil and half of the girl's medical, dental and school expenses.

According to sources of justice, the girl's mother initiated the claim against one of the twins that told her brother as the real father of the minor.

After the positive badysis of the two brothers' DNAs, the judge acknowledged the impossibility of determining who the father was.

The reason is that a common DNA test does not determine who the father is when it is, as in this case, univitellinous twins, which come from the division of a single egg fertilized with the same sperm and have identical DNA. .

Although an badysis tracks all the DNA, it costs more than $ 15,000 and its results are inconclusive because it only works if some of those who undergo it exhibit a genetic mutation.

In his ruling, the judge defended the concept of multi-biologicalhood by including both men as parents of the minor.

"Given the peculiarities of each case, I believe that the decision that comes closest to the concept of justice gives prestige to the interests and rights of the child at the expense of the clumsiness of those who are required "said the judge.

In his ruling, the judge recalled a very similar case that occurred 12 years ago in the United States, when a woman, Holly Marie Adams, had relations with twins Raymond and Richard Miller.

The DNA, in this case, could not determine who was the father of the girl and ended up solving the US Supreme Court. But as the woman always designated one of the twins as the father, the court ruled that Raymond was the parent.

Monozygous twins

Monozygotic twins, also called univitellins, come from the division of a single fertilized egg with the same sperm and therefore share an identical genetic code.


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