Ripping moment when a woman asks her husband to help her die: "The sooner the better"


Ángel Hernández recorded the decisive moment when his wife, María José Carrasco, reiterated a request he had made some time ago: to help him die because he could not stand the pain caused by multiple sclerosis anymore.

The terminally ill woman died Thursday at home, at the age of 62, with the help of her 69-year-old husband. She depended entirely on her care and her suffering was exacerbated over time. "Do you still have the idea that you want to kill yourself? Angel asks in this recorded conversation. "Yes", Maria Jose tries to answer.

The chain of "yes" and "no" that Mary answers in this dialogue is only interrupted by Angel's question about when he wants to help her die. She breathes, interrupts her husband and, with each syllable pronounced with determination, concludes: "The earliest would be best".

"I will give you a lot of effort, while you could still manage your hands a little, you have received it via the Internet. Pentobarbital sodium, that we had stored it there. And that's what I'm going to apply to you. Hope this is not a fraud because as you had to apply online, "said Angel to his wife.

The day after this conversation, he realized Mary's wish and gave him the deadly substance. After having badured the death of his wife, he called the authorities tell everything. L & # 39; man He was stopped.

The story of Ángel and Maria José shocked Spain and revived the debate on euthanasia. "Only someone who loves you in this way can help you get through this step," said the woman some time ago in a report explaining her cause. In this interview, he did not hesitate to say it: "I want the end as soon as possible".

Angel did not take this step without first being beaten for a law of euthanasia. But his actions, as well as those of others, did not allow the Spanish Congress to change its position.

Fight for euthanasia

In Spain, there is a growing social demand for Euthanasia is legalized.

According to several surveys, more than 80% of Spaniards is in favor of regulating it, But the bill introduced by the Socialist Party last year is blocked by Congress.

The proposal contemplates the "end of life anticipated in order to avoid lengthening the suffering "of people suffering from a serious and incurable disease or a chronic disability causing great suffering.

Ángel Hernández and María José Carrasco, shortly before ingesting the liquid that ended his life. (Source: Capture / The country)
Ángel Hernández and María José Carrasco, shortly before ingesting the liquid that ended his life. (Source: Capture / The country)

In February, two families victims of this situation gave 280,000 signatures in favor of the legal regulation of euthanasia, through initiatives developed in the citizen petition platform.

Every day of blocking "add another day of suffering", said the son of one of the patients, who died days later naturally.

What is regulated in several Spanish regions is the right to death worthy, which allows patients to refuse treatment that artificially prolongs their lives.

As reported to Efe headquarters of the superior police of Madrid, the arrest of the husband of Carrasco took place yesterday at the address where the couple resided in the capital of Spain.

Health personnel arrived to confirm the death and warned the police that the husband had provided a substance to kill his wife, who was terminally ill.


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