Nene does her homework in the street light because her mother does not have to pay for her home | Chronic


A video showing a child doing homework in the light of a post in the street and in the middle of the night became viral on social networks. At home, they do not have electricity because their family is going through an economic crisis and they do not have the money to pay for it.

Víctor Martín Angulo Córdoba She is 12 years old and lives in Peru. The boy was repeatedly grabbed by his neighbors, but the last time was filmed and uploaded to social networks where they quickly reproduced and applauded for their commitment. Now, his image is traveling around the world.

According to local media reports, the mother of the child said that the money was not enough to cover the cost of electricity and preferred to pay the gas. He also explained to Victor "I was going to have to go out on the street for a while to finish school homework."

The woman also said that "My son is very studious and dedicated, a person who has managed to overcome the difficulties of money, no matter how complex, Victor also wants to be a policeman in the future to fight corruption in his country."

The story of the young man had such an impact that the governor of Moche, his city, went to see him to give him various school supplies and tell him that he would commit to pay the light of his home so that he no longer have to do homework in the street. .


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