"Berluscolandia" photographer wants to highlight 80,000 images of sex and lust


Antonello Zappadu is the man who has most damaged the image of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Who is that man? An unknown photographer to whom he has entrusted, for several years, scenes of bad and lust in the huge mansion Il Cavaliere possesses in Villa Certosa, Sardinia.

As published lavanguardia.com, since 2007, Zappadu has released three major exclusives that have shaken the founder of Forza Italia. The first, in the Oggi magazine, portrayed him with two girls sitting on his lap, while he was putting one hand on her bads and the other in her bad. The second, in 2009, he sold to El País, who published an image of former Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, surrounded by girls, naked and showing off the erect penis. The third took place two years later at L & # 39; Espresso: Berlusconi welcomed two very young women to Villa Certosa the same day that the Italians voted in a referendum on their immunity.

This same site guarantees that it is only a small part of all the material that it keeps in Colombia – where it has been living for a few years – since it is blocked by the instances Italian courts. "I have a file of 80,000 photographs and I would like them to be revealed," says the photographer, who has just published Vi presento Berluscolandia, a book in which he recounts his experience. "Now that the processes are coming to an end, I want to tell my story, because they have called me everything and everything is lying."

The story of Zappadu began in 2007, when he climbed the hill overlooking Villa Certosa to photograph Berlusconi and his then wife, Veronica Lario, as there were rumors that they were going to to solve their marital crisis. But instead of seeing them walk around shaking hands, he found the former prime minister blinking two girls. "Imagine what would have happened in the US Only the suspicion of the existence of these photographs would have forced the president to resign -opina- .In Italy nothing, it is the legend of the male." At the age of 82, Cayman is once again presented to the European Parliament.

Lario asked for these 2007 photos to petition for divorce and asked the court to rule in the first instance on a pension of several million euros per month, which was subsequently reduced.

Lavanguardia.com also reports that once his hiding place was discovered, the photographer changed his position until a friend lent him the keys to his house, where he had visual access complete at Villa Certosa. From there, he contemplated surrealist scenes. Zappadu says that he even has images of a fictitious marriage between Berlusconi and one of the girls. "It was a kind of parade." Each of them had a bouquet and, at one point, they started singing the wedding march and applauded saying, "Long live the bride and groom." " He also says that he imitated characters from the amphitheater and that they all chanted it. "A ridiculous scene," he argues. What is more, it is that to build "Berluscolandia", he thinks to have damaged the heritage of Sardinia.In the gardens of Villa Certosa, with 27 rooms, the magnate erected a volcano that burst – neighbors called firefighters scared on one occasion – an underwater cave and an artificial mountain surrounded by olive trees.


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