"Take my daughter piece by piece": the heartbreaking story of the baby with infantile dementia


April 5, 2019

The mother of the baby He began to notice various strange things in his daughter, then learned that her illness had not healed.

When Mirryn Cunningham was ten months old, her mother began to understand that she was behaving strangely. The baby He had stopped doing the things he had learned, such as holding his head and taking things. After a few months, she was diagnosed with Batten's disease.

The cells of Mirryn's brain began to die and little by little baby I stopped doing things. Batten's disease is incurable and is commonly known as infantile dementia. According to the US National Institutes of Health, only 200 people have been affected worldwide. UU

The baby was born with 31 months of gestation and spent two months in the care unit to follow a treatment against liver problems. He healed normally and it was only several months after he started having these strange features. They performed an MRI and found some reduction of myelin in the brain, which protects the nerves.

"She has lost eye contact, can not interact, her vision is going away and she can not swallow," said the girl's mother at Sun. And detailed: "As an elderly person with dementia, in the end will stop breathing.He takes my little girl room by room" and adds: "She is so different from the happy girl she was. would have never imagined that it could happen "

Mirryn is subject to strict care because she has lost all eye contact with people and can not eat alone. Although it is being treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, they have found no treatment that can be performed.

A baby died and the family said it was because they had not taken care of him at the clinic.

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