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The authors of the study indicate that the risk of developing the disease is similar in people of all ages and all races.
Consumption of two or more cups of coffee or tea a day may increase the risk of lung cancer, according to a study conducted by an international team of scientists presented at the annual conference of the American Association for Cancer Research that it's over this Wednesday in Atlanta (Georgia, USA).
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The authors of this work have made a evaluation of 17 different studies in the United States and Asia, where the consumption of both beverages was related to lung cancer. The badyzes badyzed were based on people who did not smoke as well as on smokers diagnosed with this disease.
Coffee and tea consumption being closely related to smoking habits, previous studies could have thrown incoherent resultssays the new job. Jingjing Zhu, of Vanderbilt University (USA), lead author of this new badysis, said he had not been singled out in previous investigations of the causes of lung cancer development, whether from tobacco or both. drinks
The evaluation found that people who did not smoke but who drank at least two cups of coffee a day had 41% more likely to develop the disease, compared to those who have not drunk this drink. Similarly, non-smokers who ate two or more cups of tea a day had 37% more likely to develop cancer than those who do not drink tea.
The risk was similar for all ages and breeds and for all types of coffee. In fact decaffeinated coffee 15% more likely to be badociated with the disease than coffee containing caffeine. In this sense, the authors of the new work suggest that caffeine is not cancer trigger lungs, but something in the coffee roasting process that drives the connection between drinking and the risk of suffering from this disease.
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Source: actualidad.rt.com
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