Belize, the natural paradise that was a haven for pirates, meets the Queen of England and where they seek Alberto Samid – 04/05/2019


A little known natural treasure. Located in Central America, between Mexico and Guatemala, belize It is the only territory where English is spoken of the continent and which, among the travelers of the world, has the reputation of paradise destination, secret. Here, in this land of beaches and Mayan treasures, I would be a fugitive Alberto Samid.

Belize covers just under 23,000 square kilometers and offers a wide range of adventure, culture and nature experiences. And some curious facts.

It was the last country of America to become independent: He did it in 1981. Member of the Commonwealth, the constitutional head of the state is the Queen Elizabeth II from the United Kingdom and its local representative, the Governor General, appointed by her, but who must be Belizean. In fact, until 1973, what is now called Belize was known as "British Honduras".

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"The Belize government operates according to the principles of Westminster-based parliamentary democracy, the country is a sovereign and democratic state," they explain on the government's official website.

The administration of the country is the task of the prime minister (in addition to his cabinet and mayors), who must "keep the governor general fully informed of the general conduct of the government".

same the image of the queen appears in Belize dollars. And the the official language is of course English. Although in practice, Spanish and Creole are also spoken.

This question of royalty acquires amusing edges. In the "Villa Turística", an area that includes restaurants and craft shops, many tourists find themselves self-proclaimed "Prince Charles". It's a man of advanced age, sun-wrinkled and with white patches coming out of his chest from the outside of his half-open shirt.

Belize is a country located on the east coast of Central America, with banks in the Caribbean Sea in the east and a dense jungle in the west. / Belize Tourism.

Belize is a country located on the east coast of Central America, with banks in the Caribbean Sea in the east and a dense jungle in the west. / Belize Tourism.

He says he is a history teacher and offers newcomers all the stories and legends that exist around the Belize name. And he says that he does it for love, not for money, although he accepts the gratuitousness that the traveler offers him with a nonchalant attitude.

The capital of the country and the seat of government is Belmopan, but Belize City is the most populated city. It is the busiest airport and an ideal starting point to browse the territory from end to end.

Snorkeling at the reef of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

Snorkeling at the reef of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

But The history of Belize still holds many other surprises. Occupied by the Mayan civilization, ceremonial centers exist on the territory, many of which are still a big secret.

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In 1524, the Spaniards arrived. Since they did not find gold or other wealth and neglected it, he became a member of the Captaincy General of Guatemala and decided not to colonize it because of the lack of "resources".

An ideal location for English settlers, privateers and pirates That between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they took advantage of its coasts – it has the second longest coral reef in the world – to position themselves on a base allowing them to dock Spanish ships.

Laughing Bird Caye National Park, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

Laughing Bird Caye National Park, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

Spain made a last attempt to recover the territory in September 1798. The settlers and their slaves rejected the attack after a brief confrontation, as part of the Battle of Cayo San Jorge. Curious: The anniversary of the battle is considered a national holiday in Belize.

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Under the water

Currently, Belize is known for its beaches and natural wealth which, for the moment, escapes the tourist mbad. The concept of refuge it becomes more real when the news has visits and celebrity projects in the destination. Lovers of the place, Leonardo Di Caprio began to build a hotel with a strong ecological character.

Snorkeling at the coral reef of the Caribbean Sea, near the coast of Belize (photo by Tony Rath / AP).

Snorkeling at the coral reef of the Caribbean Sea, near the coast of Belize (photo by Tony Rath / AP).

The main wealth is in the sea. This is why the activities of snorkeling and diving They are the most requested. There is the Blue hole, one of the main tourist attractions of this country.

The place became famous thanks to the French Jacques Cousteau in 1971. It is a perfect hole in the middle of the sea with about 125 meters deep and 300 meters in diameter bordered by a coral reef.

The name is accurate because here the water has an absolute blue color.

Bacalar Chico, in the Bay of Ambergris Cay, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

Bacalar Chico, in the Bay of Ambergris Cay, Belize (photo by Pedro Pardo / AFP).

Coastguards control the number of boats (they have 30 minutes to visit the area) and tourists do not destroy the corals.

Underwater, the surprise is spectacular: sponges, barracuda, angelfish, elusive sharks.

Another amazing place to practice snorkeling is Half moon key, a small piece of land in the middle of the ocean. In addition to fish, you can see thousands of birds, from a tower hit after traveling a path not exceeding 1,000 meters.

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Mini Guide

How to arrive. Avianca arrives in Belize and the ticket costs 45,530 pesos from Buenos Aires. With Copa Airlines, the price is 55 331 pesos. It can also be reached with Delta Airlines and American Airlines via the United States.

Where to stay In Belize City, Ramada Princess Hotel: double base, starting at US $ 90.

Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina: from US $ 110.

In Placencia, Hotel Chabil Mar: from 240 USD.

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