Durán Barba rejected a radical vice and acknowledged that Macri was "side by side" with Cristina Kirchner before the elections


The main government consultant, Jaime Durán Barba, is presented reluctant possibility that the presidential formula of Mauricio Macri in the presidential elections is shared with some referent of the Radical Civic Union (UCR)

The adviser expressed his rejection of this possibility, which had been put into effect in recent weeks, making a comparison with the case of Ecuador: "Velasco Ibarra was elected five times President of Ecuador and shot down four times by the vice president. He defined the vice president as "a determined conspirator". For this reason, it is inadvisable that anyone occupying the vice-presidency enjoys the confidence of the president ".

In the same context, said that in Mexico "the thing was so serious that they eliminated the post of vice president." "Macri will have to choose someone who is your trust for this post, "he added in an interview Profile.

These statements add importance after last Wednesday, the government will confirm that it will negotiate with radicalism the candidacy of Macri in the formula. Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio said that they were "closed to nothing" and that they were available "listen to everyone"We will put on the table all the issues raised by the partners of Cambiemos," said the official at a press conference after the cabinet meeting.

The Ecuadorian adviser also said that some radical leaders "they look like left and others look like right"

In front of what will be the scenario of the elections of 2019, Durán Barba evaluated the possible candidacy of Cristina Kirchner: "It is a person with merit, with leadershipBeyond that, he is not a person for whom I would vote. He knows how to express himself, he knows how to communicate feelings ".

In addition, he revealed that in polls on his trust, Macri and Cristina they are "side by side". "The problem for Cristina Fernández is that if she loses these elections, her political career poses serious problems, she will not be the leader of the opposition, her supporters will lose hope of coming back to power, that is, to say a defeat of Kirchnerism the next election means a rearrangement of the entire scenario policy, "he said.


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