The United States evaluates the terrorist statement to the Revolutionary Guards and Iran responds: they will regret it


The United States will designate Revolutionary Guards as a foreign terrorist organization, three US officials told Reuters the first time Washington so qualifies the land army of another country.

"We will respond to any action taken against this force by reciprocal action", said a statement issued by 225 of Iran's 290 deputies, according to IRNA.

"Thus, the leaders of the United States, who are the creators and supporters of terrorists in the region (Middle East), will regret this action inappropriate and silly. "

Officials said last week that the state department could announce this decision on Monday, which, according to critics, could open the military and intelligence authorities to similar actions by hostile governments. ;foreign. The measure has been rumored for years.

The Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohamad Yavad ZarifHe said on Sunday that by designating the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group, US officials are seeking to "drag the United States into a quagmire" on behalf of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Revolutionary Guards Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari also intervened on Sunday to warn that the US military would lose all the security it had in West Asia.

"With this stupidity, the US military and security forces will no longer have the calm of today in the region of Western Asia," Jafari told reporters. Semi-official news agency Fars.


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