Maternal instinct, zero: she discovered that she was pregnant 45 minutes after childbirth


The odd case of a Scottish girl goes around the world. Although many do not believe this story, according to local stories, it's real, from the first letter to the last point.

A woman living in Glasgow learned that she was pregnant 45 minutes after childbirth! Which shows that she does not have much maternal instinct.

Emmalouise Leggate is 19 years old and, according to her, the night before delivery, she fell asleep with her "flat stomach" but when she awoke she had broken a bag and felt contractions.

According to the local media "Epoch Times", the grandmother transferred the young woman to a hospital, but she could no longer stand up and gave birth in the parking lot of the medical center, only 45 minutes after feeling the first contraction.

The baby was born in perfect condition and his mother said that she did not know that she was pregnant because she had no symptoms to realize that she was in the sweet waiting. When the doctors asked her about the lack of menstruation, the woman attributed it to the side effects of the contraceptive pills she was taking.

"The doctors could not explain why he did not swell in the stomach, they just told me that the fetus may have been sitting in the lower back, which is quite common," he said. he explained.


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