SANTIAGO.- A man in a corner of a room who screams, who moans. Another who circles it, pushes it, strikes it, strikes it with pineapples. The beaten man who tries to defend himself and can not, the aggressor who follows him, who drags him, who humiliates him. Last week, the revealed images spread terror and exposed the atrocities committed within a group of people.
factory of an argentine in
Entrepreneur Hugo Larrosa, 64, owner of a food company (Don Hugo) in the neighboring country, was arrested Saturday in Chicureo, accused of repeated badual abuse and aggravated badual abuse. The Chilean justice has decreed his preventive detention.
The Argentinean businessman had his factory in the outskirts of the capital Santiago and his case was denounced by a TV report showing the hard images filmed by the employees, in which Larrosa is identified as giving a series of ill-treatment and abuse. humiliations, especially to one of your workers
Hill's Guarantee Court, a metropolitan area, ordered pre-trial detention as a precautionary measure when it considered for the defendant a "danger to the security of society" and "danger of flight".
"It was possible to gather concrete evidence, witness statements, audio-visual material, sufficient evidence to prove the crime of badual abuse committed against persons over 14 years of age. "said Francisco Ceballos, commissioner of the Chilean investigation police.
Hugo Larrosa, 64, has been arrested for committing repeated badual abuse and serious badual abuse.
Former member of the Argentine Federal Police
Larrosa, who has been engaged in food distribution for more than thirty years, came into service in 1975 and, after spending the first two years studying, has specialized in communications. In 1998, already as deputy commissioner, he decided to retire.
He was already a businessman: in 1988, with 10,000 austral, he founded Darnos, also dedicated to the food industry, and in 1993 he directed Calea, a company dedicated to importing and the export of household appliances.
The crimes committed by Larrosa were revealed through a journalistic investigation presented this week on Chile's national television, report titled "The Factory of Terror".
This is how we knew about systematic badual abuse within the food business, with items such as markers and silicone guns, as well as punches or bags of rice, kicks, martial arts keys, ear bites and loop bads. belts, among other grievances that occurred between 2012 and 2015.
Similarly, Larrosa had the habit of "kissing the victim's mouth, touching the bad and bad parts, and the victim was unable to object because of the" permanent threat of losing his job "".
According to testimonies given to the state channel, there are at least 500 cases of these acts of torture, including belt shots, bag and bad. In several of these episodes, the victims were forced to undress and were even grogged.
Hugo Larrosa, 64, has been arrested for committing repeated badual abuse and serious badual abuse.
In one of the videos broadcast, José, an employee who had not wanted to do any work, told how he had been tortured by Larrosa, who had injured his bads. "I just wanted that to happen and people leave and go to the bathroom to mourn," recalls the man, adding, "That almost killed me, I left him I do not know, now I look at it from the outside and it looks like a sect that these attitudes are sick.
Another employee, who suffers from dizziness and high blood pressure, "put him on a crane 6 feet tall and let him hang for 10 minutes." He shouted, grabbing the crane, "It's Larrosa himself who ordered to record what was going on, then show the pictures to his friends.
Larrosa arrived in Chile 20 years ago after trying to open companies in Argentina without result. In Chile, he made his fortune: he has branches in the south of the country, as well as in Uruguay.
AFP, ANSA and Telam agencies
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