Brazilian soldiers erroneously riddled a man traveling by car with his family | Chronic


Ten members of the Brazilian armed forces were arrested and suspended from office for abusing their authority and firing 80 shots at a car transported by a family, following which the driver of the vehicle died as a result of: the blows received.

The army said it confused the vehicle with that of a group of criminals, while the local command reported that 10 of the 12 soldiers involved in the shooting had been arrested for questioning.

The event took place a few days ago when the family of the vehicle, consisting of a minor and three adults, was going to a birthday party in the city of Rio de Janeiro. For reasons that are under investigation, the uniforms were opened. fire on the road and the only one who died was a 46 year old man who was driving the car.

The family demands justice for the fact. (EFE).

Similarly, relatives are confused by the violent act of the armed forces. "My 7 year old son was in the car and saw everything.He wants a picture of his father, I did not know what to say to him, I told him that I was in the hospital," said Luciana Dos Santos, wife of the deceased. "God, why did the troops act like that?" the woman added with tears and a broken voice.

The incident reveals the risks of militarization of public security in Brazil, a country in which gang-related violence has resulted in 64,000 murders in 2017. This is why the government has given more powers to the government. 39, army so that "Keep control".

"Assbadins, that 's what they are, because the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, told people: start by killing, and then go away. they did.They first killed and then they went to see that there was a father, that there was a family inside (of the car), that there was There was a child inside, that must change ", declared Deborah Dos Santos, sister of the deceased.

Pain in the victim's family. (Reuters)

In addition, the military was suspended from their posts. "Because of the inconsistencies identified between the initially reported facts and other information subsequently received by the East Military Command, it was decided to immediately return the soldiers involved, who were sent to the Judicial Police Station. military to collect individual testimonies. " , They pointed to the military body.

The facts unfold in the midst of the debate over the carrying of arms. January 15 the President Jair Bolsonaro It has signed a decree facilitating the acquisition of firearms, guaranteeing a legitimate right to defend oneself, in a country with an average of 175 homicides per day.


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