US $ 8,835 million from the Monetary Fund


The International Monetary Fund today transferred $ 10,835 million for the fourth disbursement for its mega credit to Argentina after the currency crisis that erupted in May last year, which has marked the beginning of the economic recession.

Central Bank sources confirmed to the newspaper that the currencies are already deposited and pointed out that the international reserves amounted to 77 478 million dollars.

The latter is the fourth-largest delivery of IMF money since Mauricio Macri's government came to seek funding in the middle of last year, but this is the third since the colossal loan conditions were negotiated in the end. last September.

The board of directors of the multilateral credit agency last Friday issued the $ 10.835 million, after a third review of the progress of the economy and the program agreed with the government to stabilize the public accounts.

In its recent comments, the Fund has estimated that "the policies of the authorities supporting the IMF-supported agreement are bearing fruit," while warning that "however, inflation remains high, inflationary expectations are increasing. and inflationary inertia it's hard to break. "

The majority of these currencies, worth a total of US $ 9,600 million, will be placed on the market through daily auctions of US $ 60 million, giving the Treasury access to the pesos required for the settlement of commitments. internal.


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