Diario Extra – Mexican actor Pablo Lyle spent the night in jail in Miami


Miami (EFE) – Mexican actor Pablo Lyle spent the night in a Miami jail. It is expected that this Tuesday, the electronic dummy will spend at least until the next hearing for the death of a man who hit a traffic discussion on March 31 last.

The defeated man, Juan Ricardo Hernández, a 63-year-old Cuban who had to be hospitalized after the discussion, died last Thursday and Lyle, released on bail of $ 5,000 and allowed to travel to Mexico, had to return to the US for a court hearing that took place on Monday.

Judge Alan S. Fine wore $ 50,000 bail to the actor, withdrew his pbadport and forbade him to leave Miami until the next hearing of the case, scheduled for May, the 1st.

After this hearing, Lyle was taken to a prison where, according to Hispanic TV channels, he spent the night and it was still this morning.

The defense alleged that Lyle had acted in self-defense and had "no intention of killing anyone," but the prosecution felt that it might be wrong. 39, a second degree homicide case and asked that the surety be increased to one million dollars.

During the hearing, during which Lyle was accompanied by his wife, actress Ana Araujo, a woman fainted and had to be treated by the emergency services.

Although it was said that it was Lyle's mother, it was later learned that it was the woman with whom Hernández had planned to get married at that time.

According to a video recorded by a security camera, after hitting Hernandez, the car in which Lyle was traveling as a pbadenger left the place, leaving the unconscious Cuban on the ground.

The 32-year-old actor was arrested a few hours later and then put on probation after a $ 5,000 bail.

On Tuesday, April 2, he asked the court for permission to visit his country, which was granted by Miami-Dade County Magistrate Lisa Walsh.

That same judge, when Hernandez's death was known Friday, ordered the actor to appear at a hearing on Monday to review the bond.

"It's a tragedy, an absolute tragedy, but Mr. Lyle did not intend to kill anyone, it's not a murder case," he said. Bruce Lehr, one of the lawyers of the Mexican actor, at the end of the hearing.

The lawyers informed the judge that Lyle had received "multiple death threats on social networks" since the announcement of the death of the man he had hit.

Lyle, protagonist of the telenovela "My adorable curse," said that he had left the scene, fearing for the safety of his 6-year-old son, who was traveling with him.

The Univision network indicated that Lyle would no longer play in the movie "Instructions for Su" and that he had been replaced by Giuseppe Gamba.


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