Kelly Catlin: The wrenching suicide notes of Olympic gold medalist before her death


April 10, 2019

The world cycling champion has committed suicide in the corridors of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

After the suicide of Kelly Catlin, in the corridors of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, last March, revealed e-mails she had written in the months leading up to her death.

Notes that were written before the first suicide attempt of Kelly Catlin in January, they revealed that he thought his thoughts were "endless turns, turns, turns," as if "they were never at rest, never at peace."

One of the devastating messages said, "Fear is not a physical discomfort, never love, never enter into a relationship that can be defined as having an important partner (in my case, self-esteem). saying boyfriend). "

He also wrote: "Never allow yourself to be close enough to one another so that your actions or omissions can cause (any amount) anxiety or pain."
"If kindness is absolutely not an option, they are the only option." Another note also said, "What do you want to know?"

His sister Christine, touched by the pain, revealed that Kelly Catlin He acknowledged that he did not have many friends. "It was not that I did not want to have friends, it was just a matter of priorities, and his priority was to succeed and be respected," he said. he told the New York Times.

In addition, her mother, Carolyn Emory, also spoke of her anguish: "You think you know your children, but there was a lot about Kelly, especially this secret personal code with which she lived, who m & # Finally surprised, it was very reserved. "

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