They confirm the prosecution and pre-trial detention of Iranians entered the country with false documents.


Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires confirmed on Wednesday the provisional detention of two Iranian citizens who entered Argentina with false Israeli documents, by getting rid of the fact that they acted in a "state of necessity", as claimed to have been persecuted in their country, in accordance with the decision of the Court of Appeal.

The judges of Room II of the Federal Chamber have declared that Sajjad Samiei Naserani, 27, and Manzoreh Sabzali, 30, have entered the country "under the guise of logistics that must be determined." scope and actual responsibilities ", and pointed out that there are still test measures.

Judges Martín Irurzun and Leopoldo Bruglia concluded that the ongoing measures "will not only advance the actions of the parties involved" in Argentina, "but also establish the possible existence of relations at the international level" .

The case began with a complaint filed by the Interpol Department of the Argentine Federal Police, which indicated that on March 12, two Spanish nationals arrived at Ezeiza International Airport, who entered the country with false documents.

When carrying out migratory control, the defendants presented the Israeli pbadports on behalf of Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledanoresulting in alerts from the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO Interpol) database because they appear to have been stolen.

Through Interpol Israel, it was corroborated that such figures corresponded to David Assouline and Brigitte Assouline (David's wife), who lived in this country at the time of the consultation. In addition, he indicated that the pbadports displayed had several spelling mistakes in Hebrew writing.

"As a result, urgent tasks were ordered on the ground to locate and detain the accused, identified as Mansoreh Sabzali and Sajjad Samiei Naserani, both of Iranian nationality, who were staying at a hotel on Lavalle Street. 3000, before having stayed in housing in Perón street at 900 and north of Diagonale at 800, all of this city, "they pointed out.

The young Iranians were prosecuted on 22 March by Judge Luis Rodríguez for "using a false or falsified document or certificate". In addition to stopping them, Justice has removed at least two cell phones: in one of them they appeared pictures of their supposed real pbadports.

In making a statement of investigation, Naserani said to have arrived in Argentina after escaping from Iran due to an adulterous caseHe badured that he had fallen in love with a married woman and that he had to leave with false documents so as not to be arrested.

In his statement in English, he badured that he now had a partnership with Mashoreh Sabzali, whom he met in Spain and with which he bought the documents with which they entered together in our country.

According to the judicial investigation, before being arrested in Buenos Aires for the Abasto region, Naseran made a call from a cellphone who, he said, would have been an expert lawyer in the field of immigration-related crimes that he allegedly confiscated from Google.


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