One by one, the reasons why Lenin Moreno dismissed Julian Assange from the Embassy of Ecuador – 04/11/2019


Lenin Moreno, President of Ecuador, recorded a video to inform the world of the expulsion of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from his country's embbady in London. During filming, he listed the reasons that led to the immediate arrest of the Australian hacker, whom he described as disrespectful and aggressive.

"Ecuador is a generous country with open arms, our Government respects the principles of international law, including the institution of asylum, its granting or withdrawal is a sovereign faculty of the Ecuadorian State. today that disrespectful and aggressive behavior Assange, the declarations discourteous and threatening of their allied organization against Ecuador and especially against the transgression of international conventions have brought the situation to a point where the Mr. Assange's asylum is unsustainable and unachievable"He announced.

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Communicating about the end of Assange's asylum, which lasted six years and ten months, Moreno claimed that during all this time, "Mr. Assange's human rights were guaranteed and his daily needs were met on the premises of our embbady in London ".

The President of Ecuador said that Assange had repeatedly violated the agreed coexistence protocol. "This is the minimum that someone asks a guest that he receives at home", he said.

Lenin Moreno announcing the expulsion of Assange.

Lenin Moreno announcing the expulsion of Assange.

"It violated the norm of not intervening in the domestic affairs of other states.The most recent warning was given in January 2019, when Wikileaks leaked Vatican documents"He said." The key members of this organization visited Assange before and after the leak, "he said.

For Moreno, this and other publications confirm that Assange has never dissociated from Wikileaks, the site that has shaken international diplomacy to divulge millions of secret cables to US embbadies. This country is the one who requested the extradition that ended today with the arrest of the activist.

"The patience of Ecuador has reached its limit. unauthorized electronic deformation equipment, blocking of security cameras, attacks and ill-treatment of guards from the diplomatic siege, he unauthorized access to the security archives of our embbady; While he denounces his secret and rejects the internet connection of the embbady, ​​he has a cellphone with which he communicates with the outside world, "Moreno told a camera in a video of 3 minutes.

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Lenin Moreno said that the hacker had violated the coexistence protocol three times and that in these disputes the authorities had always explained the motive to Ecuador.

In addition, he specified that he had asked Britain "the badurance that Mr. Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could be tortured or sentenced to death" and that "the government British confirmed it in writing ".

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, coming out of the Embbady of Ecuador in London. (Reuters)

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, coming out of the Embbady of Ecuador in London. (Reuters)

"Finally, Wikileaks, the organization of Mr. Assange, threatened the government of Ecuador two days ago.My government has nothing to fear, does not act under the threat, Ecuador is guided by the principles of law, meets international standards and cares about the interests of Ecuadorians, "said Moreno.

Rafael Correa: "The traitor Lenin Moreno"

Far are the times when they were allies. Today, the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and his successor, Lenin Moreno, are public enemies and the declarant Assange was one of his fights.

Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno, when they were political allies in 2017.

Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno, when they were political allies in 2017.

For this reason, he was not surprised by Correa's fierce reaction when he learned of the end of asylum at the founder of Wikileaks. "Lenin Moreno, the infamous president of Ecuador, showed his misery to the world by entrusting Julian Assange – not only the asylum, but also an Ecuadorian citizen – the British police," he said. .

"It puts the life of Assange in danger and humiliates Ecuador, World Day of Mourning," Correa said on his Twitter account.

Lenin Moreno, infamous president of Ecuador, showed his human misery to the whole world by entrusting Julian Assange – not only the asylum, but also an Ecuadorian citizen – to the British police.
This puts the life of Assange in danger and humiliates Ecuador.
World Day of Mourning

– Rafael Correa (@MashiRafael) April 11, 2019

The former president called Lenin Moreno "the greatest traitor in the history of Ecuador and Latin America" ​​because "he allowed the British police to enter our embbady in London to arrest Assange ".

"Moreno is a corrupt man, but what he has done is a crime that humanity will never forget," he said.

In a furious Twitter thread, the politician who lives today in Belgium was a lapidary. "Sovereign decision", what a way to call the greatest scoundrel and cowardice! This will never be forgotten by all humanity. One of the most atrocious acts is the fruit of servility, baseness and revenge. The story will be relentless with the culprit of something so atrocious.


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