Anti-vaccines triggered an emergency alert against measles in New York


The government of Greater New York should have resorted to forced vaccination to defeat the dreaded scourge of anti-vaccines, which turned measles into a disease that triggered all alarms.

The city declared a public emergency Tuesday because of the outbreak. As a result, vaccination of people who may have been exposed to the virus has been ordered.

The ordinance of Mayor Bill de Blasio concerns residents of four neighborhoods in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where more than 250 people have been infected with measles since last September.

According to the order, all residents of these areas who have not been vaccinated and who may have been exposed to the virus, including children over six months of age, should be vaccinated. Those who do not do so can be fined up to $ 1,000.

This week, the municipality ordered religious schools and child care programs in this community not to let students in without vaccinations. Otherwise, these institutions could be closed down preventively.


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