They develop a quantum computer capable of predicting the future – 04/11/2019


The quantum computing is the big gamble in the development of computer technologies that exceed current, based on transistors and microprocessors.

This type of system aims to take advantage of the properties of certain atoms perform the calculations which are the basis of information technology.

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Now, a team of researchers from Griffith University (Australia) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) has developed a new quantum computer that can "predict" the future.

Obviously, the team is far from being to guess if you are going to win the Lotus or if Argentina will win the World Cup in 2022but the scientific breakthrough is a step important towards future developments in artificial intelligence and other applications that require intensive calculations.

In particular, working in subatomic scales, the computer system can simulate around 16 deadlines for light packages or photons that occupy different places. So you can provide alternative realities at any moment following the movement of the photons and measuring their results.

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Its operation is based on the principles of the physicist Richard Feynman, who discovered that particles moving between two points do not follow a single path.

This superposition allows researchers to introduce and demonstrate the possibility of compare future statistics of two clbadical processes by quantum interference.

The researchers think that their quantum system could do predictions as climatic changes, stock markets and traffic patterns.

What is quantum computing?

According to experts, quantum computing is the next step in the development of computer technology because it will allow solve tasks that conventional equipment would take them billions of years.

The cornerstone is the qubit, which are based on quantum elementssuch as cold atoms, ions or photons, which by their nature may be superpositionunlike the elements currently in use, which only support two states (binary) This exponentially multiplies the computing capacity.

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In short, clbadic computerss treat information with the presence or absence of charge or electrical current.

So, the clbadical bits have two possible values, 0 or 1. Using transistors, logic gates are obtained which, combined, can solve any computable problem.

In quantum computing, on the other hand, operations are performed between quantum states who are in more than one state at a time.

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