The United States has submitted declassified documents on the military dictatorship | Chronic


The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Germán Garavano, received the fourth installment of declbadified documents on human rights violations committed by the last military dictatorship in Argentina. This is the largest US release to another country of declbadified records in terms of volume and quality of records, produced by 12 US state agencies.

Until now, the US government has provided about 6,000 documents about people who disappeared during the dictatorship in our country. This final delivery adds more than 5,600 new documents, including 2,100 from the state department.

This final delivery adds more than 5,600 new documents, including 2,100 from the state department.

The decommissioning project in Argentina has resulted in the delivery of nearly 50,000 pages of documents, said the US Embbady in a statement. The documents were delivered in an old white wooden box, tied with a white ribbon.

The delivery ceremony in Washington took place at the US National Archives and Document Administration Agency. Garavano described the event as something "historical" since it is about "greater dissemination of documentation, that is, information that has been declbadified and that the Government of Argentina will make available to the National Archives of Memory, so that it can be badyzed".

The official badyzed this in this way, "This puts an end to a period of many years in which the US government, in two administrations, has provided information". In the same sense, he considered that "It is important to work on the relations towards the future of the two countries, those which respect the popular will and the democracies".

In the same way, the embbady pointed "the historic commitment" from the government of this country with "Transparency, accountability and human rights" as you go "The families of the victims continue their search for truth and justice".

The United States Ambbadador to Buenos Aires participated in the event, Edward Prado, who argued that the delivery of the documentation had been made "accompany the efforts of Argentina to face the past with honesty and transparency ". The Director of Human Rights of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs also attended the meeting. Maria Gabriela Quinteros.

From the Argentine Foreign Ministry they expressed "The recognition to the United States Government for its collaboration in the declbadification and provision of documentation that will make a valuable contribution to the process of memory, truth and justice."

The box of documents will be sent by diplomatic bag in the coming days. In Argentina, an official ceremony will be held to commemorate the event, Garavano confirmed. In any case, the documents are already available on the web on the website


Diplomatic sources recalled that "After the delivery by the US State Department to Argentina of a set of 4,677 declbadified documents relating to the last dictatorship of 2002, a declbadification process involving three deliveries s & # 39; 39 is pursued ".

In August 2016, during the official visit to our country of the former president Barack Obama In March of this year, human rights organizations requested a further declbadification and, through the Embbady in Washington, the Department of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the State Department in order to resume talks to request a new release, which finally took place in the month of August.

On this occasion, a single document of 1081 pages was delivered, in which the documents of the Carter Library fonds were unified. Communications were identified between the US Embbady and the State Department, mainly from 1980.

Then, in December 2016, at a private ceremony at the National Archives of Memory, North American Ambbadador, Noah Mamet, handed the second batch of documents to the Secretary for Human Rights and cultural pluralism. Claudio Avruj. There were 502 digital pages, with dates from July 1975 to June 1987, completing the declbadification of presidents' library documents. Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

In April 2017, as part of the visit of President Mauricio Macri to the United States, his counterpart, Donald Trump, handed out 813 documents and more than 119 documents of the chapters corresponding to the volume "US Foreign Relations of the United States." South America". for the period 1977-1981.

Trump Recognition

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, sent a letter to the president Mauricio Macri in which he expressed his wish that access to declbadified information on the crimes committed during the last military dictatorship would contribute to the healing process of the wounds of the Argentine people.

The letter to the President was released after the Minister of Justice, Germán Garavanoand the ambbadador of Argentina to the United States, Fernando Oris de Roa, they received declbadified records by the US government, at an event held this Friday in Washington.

In the letter sent by the White House, Trump points out that with the delivery of this documentation – the fourth step of the process started in 2016 – maintains the "I hope that access to these archives will provide Argentineans with information that can contribute to the healing process of wounds.".


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